The first analysis of my repository errored
After adding a repository to Quality, if the first build on your repository errors, there are some extra steps you may need to take to get a new build started.
In most cases, this becomes an issue if our webhook isn't installed. This hook is what notifies us of certain events happening in your repository, including commits made to your default branch and new pull requests that need to be analyzed.
Private repos that are added using our streamlined method and OSS repos added after June 1, 2017 should already have our webhook installed.
To trigger a new build on your repository, push a new commit to your default branch with any fixes specific to address the analysis error you are seeing.
If you don't think the webhook is working, follow these instructions:
Step 1: Install Code Climate's webhook, using these instructions.
Step 2: Push a new commit to your default branch with any fixes specific to address the analysis error you are seeing.
Step 3: Visit your Builds page to see Quality running an analysis on your most recent commit.
Work in progress
We have plans to address this scenario for OSS repos! Hang tight!
If you've completed the steps above and you're still experiencing issues, please contact our support team.
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Updated almost 2 years ago