I'm seeing a 412 SAML GitHub protection error!

This error occurs when accessing GitHub-related settings, such as the GitHub tab of a given repository on the Repository Settings section.
But I should have access to that! Why am I seeing this error?
This is due to a security update on the associated GitHub organization on which the repository depends. This can occur when the related GitHub organization has recently enabled SAML protection, or some other security update that deprecates existent sessions. Code Climate needs to update the GitHub credentials that we're using on your behalf.
To resolve the issue, log out from your current Code Climate session and log in again. This action should update the GitHub credentials that we're using on your behalf. If this approach does not solve the problem, please contact support.
- Do all members of the organization need to log in again? Yes. Since each user has a different GitHub access token, they'll each need to log in again.
Updated over 4 years ago