What happens after Quality runs an analysis?
One of Quality’s primary focuses is to provide insight and visibility into how your codebase is changing over time. After we analyze a new commit, we’ll share our findings with you in various ways.
Progress Events
Your repository’s Progress page is the main hub for you to review Quality's analysis data.
When any of the following events occur during an analysis of your default branch, we’ll update your Progress report:
An area of your codebase has its grade increase or decrease from one letter grade to another.
New code is added to your codebase. The Progress report will show you its initial grade.
Test coverage improves or declines.
We’ll also post a weekly summary to your Progress report (on Monday), which shows information like how many files were changed, inserted, and deleted in the past seven days.
The very first analysis that Code Climate runs on your repository (directly after the repository is added) will never result in any Progress report updates. Only the second and subsequent analyses can produce Progress report updates.
Email and Integration Events
We understand that you may not have time to check the Quality website every day, so we’ll also notify you via email and chat integrations. To reduce noise, we’re more conservative about when we send notifications.
Below are all possible notifications that can result from an analysis of your default branch:
An area of your codebase increases from a D or F to any other grade. For example, from a D to an A.
An area of your codebase decreases to a D or F from any other grade. For example, from a B to an F.
New code is added to your codebase and its initial grade is a D or F.
Test coverage improves or declines.
By default, emails for this event are disabled. You can enable them by editing your personal email preferences.
By default, you’ll receive one weekly summary per repository that has received at least one commit in the past week. Weekly summaries are sent only via email, not via integration notifications.
Updated almost 2 years ago