Available Analysis Plugins
Using our hosted analysis -- or the Code Climate CLI -- you can run Code Climate-compatible plugins on your project. This help article lists all available plugins.
Official Plugins
The following Plugins were built (and are supported) by the Code Climate Team.
Plugin Name & Link | Name for .codeclimate.yml file | Languages | Check Types |
Brakeman OSS | brakeman | Ruby | Security |
Bundler-Audit | bundler-audit | Ruby | Security |
Coffeelint | coffeelint | CoffeeScript | Style |
CSSLint | csslint | CSS | Compatibility, Bug Risk |
Duplication | duplication | Ruby, JavaScript, PHP, Python | Duplication |
ESLint | eslint | JavaScript | Complexity, Style |
FIXME | fixme | Any language | Bug Risk |
gofmt | gofmt | Go | Style |
golint | golint | Go | Style |
govet | govet | Go | Bug Risk |
Node Security Project (nsp)(deprecated) | nodesecurity | JavaScript | Security |
pep8 | pep8 | Python | Style |
PHP Code Sniffer | phpcodesniffer | PHP | Style |
PHP Mess Detector | phpmd | PHP | Complexity, Style |
PMD | pmd | Java | Style |
Radon | radon | Python | Complexity |
RuboCop | rubocop | Ruby | Complexity, Security, Clarity, Performance, Bug Risk, Style |
SonarJava | sonar-java | Java | Bug Risk, Clarity, Compatibility, Complexity, Duplication, Performance, Security, Style |
SonarPHP | sonar-php | PHP | Bug Risk, Clarity, Compatibility, Complexity, Duplication, Performance, Security, Style |
SonarPython | sonar-python | Python | Bug Risk, Clarity, Compatibility, Complexity, Duplication, Performance, Security, Style |
SwiftLint | swiftlint | Swift | Style, Conventions |
Community-Supported Plugins
The following Plugins were built (and are supported) by the Code Climate developer community.
Plugin Name & Link | Name for .codeclimate.yml file |
ApexMetrics (deprecated, use PMD instead) | apexmetrics |
EditorConfig | editorconfig |
ember-watson | watson |
Foodcritic | foodcritic |
git.legal | git-legal |
haxe-checkstyle | haxe-checkstyle |
hlint | hlint |
markdownlint | markdownlint |
Phan | phan |
Reek | reek |
RubyMotion | rubymotion |
SCSS Lint(deprecated, use Stylelint instead) | scss-lint |
Semgrep | semgrep |
ShellCheck | shellcheck |
Stylelint | stylelint |
Tailor | tailor |
TFLint | tflint |
TSLint | tslint |
Vint | vint |
Updated about 2 years ago