Atom Package
Atom Integration for the Code Climate CLI
An Atom package for the Code Climate command line tool.

Installation: Code Climate CLI
Note that these instructions assume that you have Docker and Atom already installed
To use the Code Climate Atom Package you must have the Code Climate command line tool installed.
If you don't already, you can install it like this (assuming Mac OSX with brew
- Linux instructions can be found in the CLI repo README):
brew tap codeclimate/formulae
brew install codeclimate
You can test that the installation worked correctly by invoking codeclimate version
- if a version number is printed - you're ready to roll!
Once you have the CLI installed, you'll want to make sure that the engines you need to analyze your code are installed locally. If the repo you want to analyze already has a .codeclimate.yml
file, you can run:
codeclimate engines:install
And that should take care of it for you. If you'd like to analyze a project which has never been analyzed by Code Climate before, the CLI can take care of that for you as well! Just run:
codeclimate init
codeclimate engines:install
The CLI will detect the file extensions of the code in your project and turn on engines which are meant to analyze those languages or frameworks. You're now ready to test the CLI with your code! Just make sure ou are still in the same directory as your project's .codeclimate.yml
and run:
codeclimate analyze
And you should see some progress, and most likely, some results. Cool! Now it's time to get it working in your editor.
Installation: Atom Package
Once you have a functioning installation of the Code Climate CLI, you're ready to see the same results within the comfort of your favorite text editor. Install the linter
package, the linter-codeclimate
package, and make sure any of the language modes you prefer are also installed.
You can also install both of these packages locally by running:
apm install linter
apm install linter-codeclimate
Once these are installed, reload your editor (View
-> Developer
-> Reload Window
from the Atom menu), open a file of your choice, and save it. Code Climate analysis will run in the background and then pop up results that you can inspect right inside Atom. Awesome! You're now linting with superpowers.
Special Considerations
Note that currently linter-codeclimate
works only on single file analysis types, not on engines which analyze the entire codebase at once. The following engines currently work with the Atom package (this will soon be all packages - thanks for your patience as we work out some kinks):
- All Languages: fixme
- Python: Radon, Pep8
- Ruby: Rubocop
- CoffeeScript: CoffeeLint
- JavaScript: ESLint
- PHP: PHPCodeSniffer, PHPMD
Updated about 2 years ago