What happens when I change the default branch for a repository?
Your default branch, specified when setting up a repository for the first time, can later be changed under your repository settings.
While we offer, for convenience, the ability to edit your default branch, this change can result in a confusing user experience. Please note that:
- Your maintainability and test coverage ratings will shift to reflect ratings for your new branch
- Any open pull requests that have been analyzed by Quality in the past will stop updating if they are not against your new default branch
- If there are items in your feed, they will reflect outdated information about your old branch until new information pushes them off
- Your weekly summary going forward will be about your new branch, but it often takes a couple weeks before there's enough data to send one.
As an alternative, you can also add the repository a second time pointing to a different branch (either removing or leaving the existing repository).
The ability to add a repository twice in order to analyze different branches is not available for OSS repositories.
Updated almost 2 years ago