Analysis Error Codes
Error Code | Description | Details & Troubleshooting |
C11 | Unparsable .codeclimate.yml configuration file. | This indicates your .codeclimate.yml has a syntax error and is not valid YAML. There are a couple of things we recommend to help troubleshoot when you see this error:1. Download the Code Climate CLI and validate your config file using the codeclimate validate-config command.2. Run the analysis locally with codeclimate analyze . If it is a problem with your .codeclimate.yml or something in your source code, this is the easiest and fastest way to diagnose the issue.3. You can also check out our sample .codeclimate.yml . |
C12 | Invalid .codeclimate.yml configuration file. | This indicates your .codeclimate.yml is valid YAML, but specifies an invalid configuration (for example, you've got a list or boolean for a key we expect to be an object). There are a couple of things we recommend to help troubleshoot when you see this error:1. Download the Code Climate CLI and validate your config file using the codeclimate validate-config command.2. Run the analysis locally with codeclimate analyze . If it is a problem with your .codeclimate.yml or something in your source code, this is the easiest and fastest way to diagnose the issue.3. You can also check out our sample .codeclimate.yml . |
C13 | Infer config errored | As part of analysis, we run codeclimate init --upgrade . If this errors, and the error message doesn't clarify what went wrong, please contact support |
E10 | Engine error | Some engine errors can be resolved depending on the transparency of the error. For example, if there is a deprecated rule in one of your config files, this can trigger an engine error which will state which rules are deprecated and need to be updated. Other engine errors might require our support team to dig in though. When contacting our support team, please reference your repo and snapshot ID's. |
E11 | Engine timeout | This error occurs when an engine tries to run for more time than we allow it to. Engine timeouts are generally caused by either an abnormally large number of files under analysis, or from attempting to analyze a file not typically intended for static analysis. We recommend checking out our troubleshooting doc. If the problem persists, please contact our support team with your repo and snapshot ID's. |
E12 | Engine output validation error | This error is typically caused by a bug in the engine. Occasionally, the engine error-output will indicate what file is causing the engine to output something invalid. If this is the case there are a couple of things we recommend: 1. You can try excluding the file from your analysis. 2. You can open an issue on the engine's GitHub repo. This will put you in contact with an engine maintainer, and is the quickest way to diagnose the issue. |
E13 | Engine issue validation error | This error is typically caused by a bug in the engine. Occasionally, the engine error-output will indicate what file is causing the engine to output something invalid. If this is the case there are a couple of things we recommend: 1. You can try excluding the file from your analysis. 2. You can open an issue on the engine's GitHub repo. This will actually put you in contact with a developer on our team, and is the quickest way to diagnose the issue. |
E14 | Engine generated too much output | This error occurs when an engine tries to generate more output than we allow. When engines generate too much output, it's generally caused by either an abnormally large number of files under analysis, or from attempting to analyze a file not typically intended for static analysis. We recommend checking out our troubleshooting doc. If the problem persists, please contact our support team with your repo and snapshot ID's. |
G10 | Git clone errored | This error is typically caused by a broken connection between Quality and GitHub. To restore connection, follow the steps outlined here. This error can also be caused by a GitHub outage. You can view current outages on the GitHub Status page. |
G11 | Git clone timed out | This error occurs when we're having trouble connecting to GitHub, due to their site being down/having issues. If this is the case, check the GitHub Status page for details. You can also check our status page to make sure all of our systems are operational. If the problem persists, please contact our support team with your repo name and screenshot. |
G12 | Git commit not found | There are a few scenarios that can cause this to happen: 1. There was a force push to the branch, so the commit we are trying to analyze no longer exists. When this happens, you should rebase your branch onto your default branch. For more information on fixing branches and pull requests, please see our doc. 2. When pulling your repo down to analyze it, we perform a shallow clone, which brings down only recent data and the commit we are trying to analyze wasn't present in the recent commits. This usually happens on a branch that's more than 200 commits ahead of the merge base. We recommend squashing the branch so you're less than 200 commits ahead of the merge base. |
P10 | Prepare Error | The output of the prepare step may indicate your issue. Commonly, a remote URL could not be fetched due to a 404 or other remote error. Please ensure all URLs configured on your prepare step are correct. If you believe the error is temporary, you can use the "Rebuild" button to run analysis again for the same commit. Other prepare errors might require our support team to dig in though. When contacting our support team, please include your repo name and a screenshot of the error. |
P11 | Prepare Timeout | The prepare step may timeout if configured to fetch many files, or particularly large files. We recommend reducing the amount of external configuration fetched during the prepare step. |
U10 | Unknown error | Our developers monitor closely for these types of errors. In most cases when they occur, we are already looking into it. If you see this error, please contact our support team with your repo name and a screenshot. |
Updated almost 2 years ago