Analysis Settings

At the bottom of the Code Climate Management Settings page, there is a section titled Analysis Settings. If you are seeing problems running Code Climate analysis, changing these settings might help alleviate the issue.

Memory Limit for Code Climate Engine Containers

Running engines are constrained in the amount of memory they can consume. If they exceed this value, they will crash and analysis will error out. If you are seeing this behavior, it can help to increase the amount of memory given to each container. The default for this option is 1024000000 (1 GB)

Timeout for Code Climate Engine Containers

Engine containers are constrained in the amount of time for which they are allowed to run. After this time, they are killed and analysis is errored. Timeouts happen most often with especially large repositories. If you are seeing Engine timeouts, you can increase this time. The default for this option is 1800 (30 minutes)

Number of Builds to Run Concurrently

A Code Climate node runs builds in parallel using Docker containers. This setting puts an upper limit on the number of builds that will be executed concurrently on your system. When this limit is reached, Code Climate will queue builds and run them as previous builds complete. A good rule of thumb for setting this value is the number of cores present on the server on which Code Climate is running. This default for this option is 15.