Plugin QA Process and Spreadsheet

If you've joined the Code Climate developer program, read the Plugin Lifecycle documentation, and are ready to build your own plugin, or if you're just curious what the process looks like - you're in the right place!

All of the steps for QAing a plugin are contained in the READ ONLY spreadsheet that is embedded and linked below. Make your own copy to use for QA’ing your engine.

The document is divided into the following areas (the first column in the spreadsheet):

  • engine.json - items pertaining to the plugin specification file (engine.json)
  • Dockerfile - items pertaining to the Dockerfile
  • Docker Image - items pertaining to the image built as a result of the Dockerfile
  • CLI Behavior - items pertaining to the performance and behavior of built plugins once they are integrated into the Code Climate CLI
  • Engine Output - items specific to the formatting and contents of the plugin output when issues are found
  • .com Behavior - items pertaining to the performance and appearance of an plugin once the engine has been released on

As outlined in the Plugin Lifecycle documentation, your plugin will need to pass the items in all of the categories besides .com Behavior to move from In Development to Beta. Once your plugin is deployed in Beta to, you'll be able to complete the .com Behavior section.

You can find the Plugin Spreadsheet QA Process here .